Birthday greetings for the president of UChM (Cynological Union of Moldova) from the staff of UChM

Dear Sergey Alexandrovich!
We congratulate you with your birthday from all our heart!
The rich experience of a manager,
high business and personal qualities,
ability of efficient meeting of complex challenges
won for you a deserved authority and respect.
We wish you a fruitful work
in the future rebirth
and development of Moldavian Cynology.
The CUM under your guidance
makes confident steps on the way of democratization
and constructive reorganization.
Organization and conduct of exhibitions
is carried out at a high international level,
that excludes corruption and fraud.
There is conducted a tremendous work
in popularization of the CUM’s activity,
improvement of the pedigree work.
Staff of the CUM wishes you patience,
wisdom and courage for completion
of the democratic reforms which were begun by you.
Good health, happiness, peace, wellbeing,
luck and excellent mood
for you and your family and friends!
Staff of the Cynological Union of Moldova.